Acne is a common problem among adolescents. It is a skin condition in which the face produces an excess of oil from the sebaceous glands that lead to the blockage of hair follicles. It is related both to hormones and facial skin health. Acne affects the face, back, and shoulders where you can find the maximum of sebaceous glands. Acne can develop in as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or nodules.
Acne is red black or pink eruptions on your face. Initially, they are itching and nonpainful. However, if left untreated, they develop into much painful pus-filled eruption that will have a burning sensation on the skin. You should understand the primary cause of it.
The general cause of acne or acne vulgaris is hormonal changes in the body during the onset of puberty. The hormones we are referring here is androgen hormone. A sudden rise in it may catalyze the formation of acne that may very well spread from the face to other parts of the body. You might wonder why some people are more prone to acne and some are not. It is generally because of genetical problems in the family. Oily, spicy and sour food may act as a catalyst in the creation of acne on your skin.
Acne can be painful to remove and can distress you at times. They are not only painful but also leaves scars behind when they go away. It becomes imperative to choose the right path when it comes to treating the skin. HAPDCO manufactures its extremely useful acne treating cream, Aqui Plus Cream that has the essential elements like Thuja and berberis that well known in treating pimples and blackheads. This homeopathic medicine is made of natural herbs and will be beneficial in treating facial dermatosis, spots, comedones (blackheads), acne (pimples), pruritus and other similar skin facial problems. It is 100% safe, secure to use, does not leave any scar on the face after use and is most importantly, is effective.
The primary components of Aqui Plus Cream are:
- Thuja occidentalis : It helps to treat problems like psoriasis, infectious skin diseases, and warts. It has antibacterial and antiviral effects on the skin, that helps in stimulating the blood flow below the skin, and ultimately nourishing it.
- Thuja occidentalis : It helps to treat problems like psoriasis, infectious skin diseases, and warts. It has antibacterial and antiviral effects on the skin, that helps in stimulating the blood flow below the skin, and ultimately nourishing it.
- Calendula officinalis : It has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps treat dry or damaged skin. It helps to heal, soothe and soften the skin. In other words, it acts as a natural antiseptic and makes the skin firm.
- Curcuma longa :Also known as turmeric or haldi. Our forefathers have been using it to obtain a flawless skin. Best known for its antiseptic properties, it also removes scars and reduces inflammation.
- Direction : Wash face with mild soap / face wash, for better result use Aqui Plus Face Wash and mop dry. Rub cream on clean skin with circular motion of finger tips, leave overnight. For best results use three times daily or as directed by the physician.

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