
Homoeopathy is a natural form of treatment or an alternative healing method, based on the principle of “like cures like”. It was founded way back in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
who was a German physician. The medication is based on the principle that a substance which is able to produce particular symptoms can help in curing the symptoms in a sick person. This can be compared to the principle of "Law of Similar" that has also been mentioned in the Hindu manuscripts.
Homoeopathic medicine consists of natural ingredients which are being diluted and potentised to make it safe for consumption. It doesn't have any side-effects, only if you take a proper prescription from a professional homoeopathy doctor and consume it accordingly. Homeopathy medicines are used to treat almost all sorts of diseases.
Natural Source
More than 75% of the medicines are formed by using various herbs, leaves, roots, flowers, etc.
Like Calendula, Rhus Tox, Aconite, Arnica, etc. Specific minerals and chemicals are also used for their formation. For an instance, Natrum Muriaticum is a homoeopathic remedy prepared from salt. In the same way, Argentum Nitricum is made from silver.
Active Ingredients
The tincture or infusions are diluted based on the required strength that needs to be given to the patient. These dilutions are allowed to be absorbed into sugar pills or put into different bases for different formulations which are taken as per the dosage mentioned by a homoeopathic practitioner. The pills are made of inert substances like sugars mostly lactose and are allowed to evaporate over the active ingredient. Medications are made of homoeopathic dilutions.
The main mechanism of action of homoeopathic medicine is by stimulating the natural power of body by nerves and immune system. The medicines are not digested by the liver or stomach it rather acts on the affected area. There is no wastage of medicine through the kidneys with none of the adverse effects on these organs.
Homoeopathic medicines can be used for any kind of health issue that a person might be suffering and provided the symptoms matches with a remedy that can be produced to the patient. A correct remedy is that which covers all the symptoms at the body and the mind level and considers temperament and emotions.
Once it is ingested, the medicine stimulates nerves and starts the mechanism of action. This is the main reason for symptomatic relief within few minutes by taking homeopathy provided the given medication is proper.
Homoeopathy is known for treating various acute and chronic complaints. There are several thousand people who have experienced the benefits of homoeopathic medicines over various illnesses and other serious issues.
A homoeopath would first assess the problems and diagnoses the issue the patient is suffering from. They would later provide the benefits that can be obtained from homoeopathy and a clear idea about the duration would be provided. Homoeopathy treatment is best when there is no relief for chronic issues and the relief may take some time.
It is regarded as a gentle and safe way for treating ailments. People all over the world are preferring homoeopathy over the other type of medications. Homoeopathy is known to be nontoxic and does not have side effects. Therefore it is regarded as one of the safest and faster than allopathic medications. It is at present the second largest system of medication all over the world according to World Health Organization.
European countries are the largest contributors to homoeopathy followed by Germany and British physicians refer their patients to the homoeopaths for consultations. It is a known fact that the Royal family has implemented usage of homoeopathy in their generations. In India, there are thousands of homoeopathic doctors that are registered every year and more than two lakh of registered homoeopathic doctors. Many Indians have trust in these medications and the trust has been helping them in overcoming various ailments.