Blood purification is one of the most essential systems that our body undergoes. Any breakdown in this process would lead to health hazards that could result into fatal consequences. Also, a slowdown in the process could directly affect our immune system which could make our body vulnerable to many kinds of diseases. Thus, detoxification of the blood from impurities is demanded in order to help the system run smoothly.
SARSA PLUS SYRUP: A Blood Purifying Medicine by HAPDCO
The products manufactured by HAPDCO have record of a tremendous success in treating various health complications, and blood purification is no exception. HAPDCO, one of the biggest producer house of homeopathy medicine in India has come up with an affective formula called the Sarsa Plus, that works wonders when it comes to purifying our blood. The product contains ingredients like Sarsaparilla, Azadirachta indica, Echinacea angustifolia, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Sulphur, Gentiana lutea and Berberis aquifolium that effectively helps to reduce pimples, acne, scabies, psoriasis, pustular, urticaria, and rashes. The product perfectly removes the unwanted toxic particles from our blood helping to safeguard our immune system from the inside. It not only boosts our immune system, but regular use of Sarsa Plus also improves our appetite.
As discussed above, there are multiple benefits of blood cleansing process which eventually leads to proper functioning of our body and hence, a immune system. The benefits include:
- Enhancement of health : It is one of the primary advantages that one gets from the blood cleansing process. We can eradicate certain common diseases like allergies, headaches, nausea, fatigue and tiredness, growth of pimples, acne, dull skin and etc. simply by removing the toxins from our blood.
- Detoxification of blood : It helps in keeping essential organs of our body such as heart, kidney, liver safe and help them to function properly as any impurities in our blood could lead to fatal ill effects within our body.
- Safeguard from various skin problems : By proper removal of toxins from our blood, we can be free of acne, pimples, dark blemish skin and other skin issues.
- Health shield : Our immune system works as a shield fighting with unknown intruding components to keep our body free from diseases and restoring its normal condition. By regular process of blood purification with the help of SARSA PLUS syrup, one can be free from such health hazards and live a fit and stable life.
Dosage :
For Adults: 1 teaspoonful 2-3 times a day.
For Children: 1/2 teaspoonful 2 times a day or as directed by the physician.
One must consult the doctor before dose consumption.

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